An industrial test
to prove OCEAMM

Demonstration on board of GIROLATA in the framework of the OCEAMM project
- Application to the CORTEA Call for Projects 2019-2021 of the ADEME
- During 20 months

The OCEAMM process, designed and produced by the company EcoSoftec, which drew on its know-how in the treatment of pollution in industrial environments, was put to the test on the ferry Girolata operated by La Méridionale. It was monitored in an extremely sophisticated metrological framework to observe and measure the results obtained.
Main objective:
to significantly reduce particulate emissions

Industrial demonstration on the Girolata MP4 (4 stroke MAN 8 cyl. L48/60 engine powered by LSFO 0.5%).
Piloting from end 2019 to mid 2021
Piloting from end 2019 to mid 2021

- Reduce exhaust gas pollution due to particulate matter.
- Continuously clean the exhaust manifold and turbocharger turbine.
- Preventing the formation of carbon deposits
Expectations of La Méridionale
- Reduce pollution produced during manoeuvres in the port
- Anticipate future regulations by targeting particulate emissions
- Reinforce its avant-garde image in terms of respect for the environment, by applying innovations deemed relevant
Results of the OCEAMM technology
After many months of consistent and validated testing, it has been shown that the OCEAMM technology has the ability to reduce the number and mass of particulate pollution.
Moreover, the best results were measured in manoeuvring mode, i.e. when the ship is arriving or leaving the port, when its engines are under little stress and operating at low load.
-90 %
Reduction/disappearance of soot solid organic particles
• Reduced pollution
• Increased energy performance
• Preservation of the engine
• Lower overall operating costs
• Reduced pollution
• Increased energy performance
• Preservation of the engine
• Lower overall operating costs
Metrology and recordings
Supported by metrology expertise (CERTAM), OCEAMM has proven its ability to destroy 95% of Ultra-Fine Particles, and a significant part of Soot Particles from fuel oil (LSFO) consumed on an engine without smoke treatment. In fact, OCEAMM coupled with a scrubber increases its performance even more.
Abatement measured on all particles
the measured soot abatement reached 25% in mass, despite the limitations of the OCEAMM demonstrator
OCEAMM acts by massively destroying the Ultra-Fine Particles (FPs), the most numerous, the lightest and the most carcinogenic according to the WHO, by their complete oxidation into CO2. At the same time, OCEAMM gasifies part of the soot, which is in the minority in number but much larger in size and which represents most of the total mass of the particles.
the abatement is much more impressive in number, since it reaches 90% for all types of particles combined.
The improvement in smoke quality is slightly visible, since the comparative opacity of smoke from an equipped engine and its non-equipped counterpart is significantly different.